Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Development 1/25

Well, I've almost finished a feature that users have been wanting for some time. The ability to have results displayed vertically in a tab instead of across multiple tabs. There are now 2 toolbar buttons that let the user switch from horizontal to vertical results for retrieving results.

When getting vertical results, the controls are displayed in a single tab similar to how Query Analyzer handles results. Still have to handle some things like printing results and switching to text results, etc, but the basic functionality is there now with the new XML result viewer as well.

Also added a couple of user requests to the Object Search page. Added the ability to change the server (although haven't fully tested it yet) as well as the ability to print the object search results and add an object from the results to the favorites for the database. I hope to also implement custom menus and actions in object search and possibly allow searches across multiple databases. May not make v2.15 but will see.

Also started work on what I refer to as pre-Alias screen that will allow the user to specify global or database aliases for tables so that when typing in a select clause where the from table has not been defined, if the user uses a predefined alias associated with a table then the columns will appear. Allows user to type select statement and get column intellisense without having to first define tables in from clause.

Also, I think I finished work on the typing Intellisense with the addition of the delay and min char length on the options dialog to allow the user to specify the delay before the list comes up and the number of characters required in a token before the list will be displayed. Seems to work fairly well but might could use a couple of small improvements.

Once I finish up the object search features, the vertical results, and the pre-Alias stuff I plan to work on the Object Mapping Mgmt screen and then work on getting any fixes in for a release, so hopefully sometime in the 2nd week of February we'll see this release and then we'll begin integrating SCC into Edit to allow non-SourceSafe systems to use Edit and Source Control integration.
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